Hi, my name is Francisco Amões
I'm the Full Stack Developer you need.

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About me

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Full Stack Developer with a passion for technology, coding and building amazing web products.
Able to self-manage, as well as collaborate in team setting.
Problem solver, highly productive, motivated and able to grasp complex concepts and technologies in a short amount of time.
Focused on writing DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and readable code.
Enthusiastic about learning new languages / technologies.

Follows best practices and enjoy tough challenges.



Face Detection App

This app uses a face recognition API that detect faces on the images. Developed the front-end of this project using HTML, CSS, Javascript and React.js.

Used Node.js and Express.js to create a server then connected it with the front-end. Hashed passwords using bcrypt function.

Created a database using PostgreSQL and connected with the server. Tested back-end connections with Postman app. Deployed front-end and back-end of the face detection app to Heroku.

If you want to try this app, use the credentials below:

Login: test@gmail.com, Password: 123

See Live Source Code


Instructive project to showcase the benefits of using React to develop apps.

Developed the front-end of this project using React.js, CSS and Javascript.

Deployed the app to Github Pages.

See Live Source Code

Website Portfolio

Personal website, developed with the goal of sharing some of my projects with the world.

Tools used to develop this website: HTML, SASS, Bootstrap 5, Javascript.

To deploy this website Netlify was used.

See Live Source Code


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